
Review: Lord John and the Hand of Devils by Diana Gabaldon

Posted in Reviews at 2:23 pm by Fiona

Lord John and the Hand of Devils Lord John and the Hand of Devils by Diana Gabaldon
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Not really Gabaldon’s greatest work, but an easy read if you want to have the complete story of Lord John Grey. This really isn’t a novel, but rather a short story and two novellas. Lord John and the Succubus, one of the novellas was a rather amusing look at the germanic lore of the era. Where Lord John and the Soldier’s Ghost had some interesting insights into the harsh religious practices of the 1700’s Methodists, not to mention the politics! Not really much of a ghost story though. The ghost only made a brief cameo appearance and was never mentioned again! Actual fact, none of these stories are really essential to either the Lord John or the Outlander series. You can easily give them a miss and not feel like you’re missing a thing!


An open note to spam scumbags

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:27 am by Fiona

Not that you spamming scumbags will read this because most of your attempts to spam my blog are done by robots, but this blog’s comments are moderated. That means NO comments appear unless I say they can. Therefore comments containing links for any pharmaceuticals never get past me. Nor do comments in cyrillic.

So why don’t you blighters do us all a favor and quit wasting your time and mine?


Review: Nyphron Rising by Michael J. Sullivan

Posted in Reviews at 1:23 pm by Fiona

Nyphron Rising (The Riyria Revelations, #3) Nyphron Rising by Michael J. Sullivan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am really invested in this series now! Each part keeps being better than the previous one. Michael’s further development of Arista, Hadrian and Royce is enticing. In this book there is one OMG! moment with Arista that had me shouting out loud it was so amazing. Michael introduces us to an adorable new character in this part of the story, Amilia. She is the servant girl who ends up being the lady in waiting for Modina (the Empress formerly know as Thrace). I am still waiting for the promised reappearance of my favorite little monk, Myron, to reappear.

So now the agony starts as I join the others who, like me, cannot wait for the next three parts of this series to become available. I knew I should have waited till they were all out to read!!


Review: Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan

Posted in Reviews at 11:14 pm by Fiona

Avempartha (The Riyria Revelations,#2) Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read the first book in this series because I wanted to help out a new author, and our Goodreads Fantasy Book Club was reading it. I enjoyed the first book, but was somewhat ambivalent about it. I was interested in giving the series more of a chance so I nominated this book a couple of times and the rest of the group voted for something else. THEIR LOSS!! Avempartha is fantastic! It builds on the story set out in The Crown Conspiracy yet really takes off. I had a hard time putting it down and going to sleep each night I so wanted to find out what happened next. I felt Michael’s storytelling just blossomed. I loved the new characters and how they were introduced into the story. I love how he keeps peeling away new layers to the main characters, Hadrian and Royce, like an onion. I’m so glad I have Nyphron Rising so I can tear right into it and have a feeling it’s going to be agonizing to wait for book 4, but I’m hanging on to this wild ride all the way to the end.